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Micr’Eau is hiring

Micr’Eau is hiring

As part of its development in France on the drinking water sector (R-D, arsenic, military sector..) the company Micr'Eau is looking for an Engineer in the last year of school to exercise his internship over a period of 3 to 6 months in our Paris offices.

The internship may be relocated to central France (Auvergne region) or Hauts de France (Lille region) depending on the detailed content of the service to be provided and the candidate's interest in the position and its geographical proximity to one of two targeted centres.

The candidate will have to:
-show real motivation to work as a team with different industrial partners,
-mastering drinking water subjects (water treatment and water chemistry in particular);
– practice at least one foreign language (German, Spanish or English) professionally

The internship will be paid according to the agreements in force with universities or large schools.
The internship would start from mid-September 2020.

Contact: Pascal guasp executive by sending cover letter and CV
By email: P.guasp@micreau.fr