+33 (0)6 14 31 24 49


Technologies that have been proven for 20 years for biogas recovery

Turnkey solutions to optimize and secure your facilities

Micr’Eau offers biogas storage and flaring solutions from municipal and industrial sewage treatment plant sludge, household waste and green waste.

In France, Europe and South America, Micr’Eau puts its experience at the service of the largest engineering, water and waste management groups to design, install, maintain and renovate biogas treatment units.

Together with its international partners, Sattler and Hofstetter, world leaders in their sector, Micr’Eau provides the most reliable technologies to enhance biogas and optimize the investments of its customers.

montage d’une torchère Hofstetter et d un gazomètre Sattler pour OTV grand Paris à Bonneuil

Our business in biogas

Studies and audits of biogas treatment and recovery units

Purchase and monitoring of the manufacture of new gasometers and flares

Installation and commissioning of gasometers and flares

Maintenance and technical assistance for flares and gasometers

Emergency equipment hire

Rehabilitation of existing facilities

Biogas purification

Our references

More than 50 references in France, Europe and South America

Farfana Chili - Aguas andinas

Gasometer installation

Gasometer flow: 5000m3/d

Bonneuil - Veolia

Installation of gasometer and flare

Gasometer flow: 600m3/d
Flare flow 1500m3/h

Bruxelles Sud - Société des eaux de Bruxelles

Installing of 2 gasometers

Gasometer flow: 2 * 1000m3/d

Calais - Veolia

Installation of gasometer


Grasse - Kerry Flavours

Renovation of membrane and inking grids

Gasometer storage: 250m3

Toulouse - Veolia

Installation of gasometer and flare

Gasometer flow: 2000m3/d
 Flare flow: 1000m3/h

Contact us

Micr’Eau FRANCE:
82 rue Taitbout
75009 Paris

+33 (0)6 14 31 24 49


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