Micr’Eau offers both compact and extensive biological wastewater treatment technologies for populations up to 10,000

The Oxybatch is a container unit that allows effluent aeration and separation of treated water and sludge in the same basin.
Micr’Eau has installed this type of plant on all continents (France, Morocco, Vietnam, Chile …) for industrial customers (mining, oil and gas), rural communities or life bases.
These modular units treat 0 to 1000 equivalent inhabitants according to European standards.

In the case of rural areas or large available areas, Micr’Eau can offer its customers an original aerated lagoon solution according to a well-designed hydraulic scheme.
Micr’Eau has thus built several municipal sewage treatment plants in France and a dozen for export (Morocco, Algeria,…) for populations from 1,000 up to 15,000 inhabitants.
This process is very economical in operation (less than 10 cents $/m3).

MBBR : Moving Bed Bio Reactor
In recent years, the moving bed bio reactor known as MBBR has increased the processing capacity of biological treatment units.
Our customers in sectors such as agri-food, hotels or military bases, are able to purify effluents from 0 to 10,000 inhabitants equivalent according to European standards.
This process has been installed by our teams in Italy, Chile and Morocco